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I strive to be a God fearing lady choosing to put God first in my life and keep Christ in the center of our family. I've been called a Jesus freak a time or two. A wife to my favorite gift from God, my husband, that I love so much. We have a 7-year-old, Jacob, that keeps us on our toes. A 3-year-old little girl, Olivia that is 110% girly! Most days you can find me chasing Jacob with Olivia attached to my hip! God has truly blessed our family and me!


I am many different things, but I am a Jesus Freak, a husband to an awesome wife, a dad to Jacob and Olivia, and a servant in the Kingdom of God. Too many hobbies to list but love technology and dirtbikes! Most days after work you can find me chasing Elisabeth and the kids!


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